How To Use Smart-Transcript

This decentralized application is designed to be handled by authorized persons on behalf of an institution only. It is emphasized that blockchain transactions as will be carried out in this application are cost intensive. In essence, a successfully executed transaction may cost significant amounts that you do not want to pay for a misinformed use of the application. With adequately informed handlers however, every successful transaction is worth the cost.Smart-Transcript

On the Home page are four capsule-shaped fields, each with a button that helps you navigate to one of four dashboards. You can navigate to the Tokenize dashboard to simply input details of a copy of academic transcript or certificate and mint a token that corresponds to an immutable public record of that copy as issued by your institution.

Option 1 - Tokenize

The following feature executes an on-chain transaction that requires payment of gas fees.

To tokenize a copy, you are required to:

1. ensure first that such a copy is authentic and ready to be made available to other institutions where they may be required.
2. Upload the copy (we recommend PDF format) to IPFS and save the hash generated as this will be required for subsequent steps.
3. Replace <hash> in the link<hash> with the actual hash generated after your upload of the document to IPFS. Your link should now look like this;
4. The tokenize dashboard requires you to make input into two fields - the link from step 3, and the name / matriculation code of a candidate to whom the certificate or transcript is issued.
These input items will combine to form the metadata of a token you mint by tokenizing each document. Ensure to have these three items for each corresponding copy of certificate or transcript you intend to tokenize.
5. Return to the Smart-Transcript Home page and click on the Tokenize button available on the first capsule-shaped field to get navigated to the Tokenize dashboard. You should see a page as shown in the following image.

6. Click the "Connect Wallet" button up the page to automatically connect with your pre-installed metamask wallet which will enable you proceeed with the transaction.
7. If you do not have metamask installed as a browser extension, you will be noticeed to do so. Simply follow the notices to complete the process.
8. Once connected, mindfully input the earlier saved details from step 4, each in the appropriate field.
9. Double check to ensure accuracy of your input.
10. Once certain, click on the Tokenize button to mint a unique immutable token that represents a retrievable copy of a corresponding document, stored on the blockchain. A successful transaction will yield a change in the messages displayed on your screen as seen in the following image.

11. Look out for a link in pumpkin color generated on completion of your transaction. This link can be used to see details of your transaction on Etherscan.
12. You certainly should save this link within your reach too.

Option 2 - Verify Copy

The following feature does not require payments of any kind.

To verify a copy, you are required to:

1. Click on the "Verify Copy" button on the second capsule-shaped field on the Smart-Transcript home page to navigate to the verification dashboard.
2. Input the address of the token you intend to verify.
3. Click on the "Verify Transcript" button to see details of the corresponding copy on the blockchain via etherscan. Please note that this feature only supports addresses based on the Goerli test network at this stage of this project.
4. Select the details that interest you e.g. tokenId, etc., on the page so navigated to.

Option 3 - Metadata

The following feature does not require payments of any kind.

Sequel to verifying that a copy truly avails on the blockchain, this feature gives details of the holder and actual document

1. Click on the "Metadata" button on the third capsule-shaped field on the Smart-Transcript home page to navigate to the metadata verification dashboard.
2. Input the tokenId of the token you intend to verify in the input field. This can also be obtained from etherscan as in Option 2 above.
3. Every valid tokenId input generates a link below this field which you can simply follow by clicking on the button below it to navigate to a page where the metadata is served.

Option 4 - Revoke Copy

The following feature executes an on-chain transaction that requires payment of gas fees. Only the address responsible for minting a token is authorized to revoke it.
It is emphasized that you ensure the decision to use this feature is final

In such rare cases when an institution wishes to withdraw a certification earlier issued to a graduate, this feature helps bring the same record onchain

1. Click on the "Revoke Copy" button on the fourth capsule-shaped field on the Smart-Transcript home page to navigate to the revocation dashboard.
2. Input the tokenId of the token you intend to revoke in the input field. This can also be obtained from etherscan as in Option 2 above.
3. Click on the "Revoke Copy" button below the input field and look out for feedback generated in pumpkin color.
4. A link including the transaction hash generated can be followed to see details of the transaction via etherscan.